Typical Scouring Recipe Polyester/Cotton Blend Goods:
Wetting agent…………………………………..= 0.5-1.0 g/l
Sequesterant …………………………………..= 1.0-2.0 g/l
Detergent…………………………………………= 1.0-2.0 g/l
Caustic soda 36°Be……………………………..= 1.0-3.0 g/l
Soda ash…………………………………………….= 1.0-4.0 g/l
Temperature…………………………………….= 90-100°C
Time………………………………………………….= 30-60 min
pH…………………………………………………….= 10.5+/-0.5
M:L…………………………………………………...= 1:10
Scouring Procedure:
Set the with substrate at room temperature with wetting agent, detergent, sequestering agents, and alkalis.
Raise the temperature to 95-100°C @1-3°/min
Run the bath for 30-60 min
Cool down the bath temperature to 60-70°C and drop
Rinse twice with hot (around 60°C) and cool water.
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