Friday, May 18, 2012

Pretreatment | Object of Pretreatment | Pretreatment Process of Cotton and Natural Fibers | Pretreatment Process of wool | Pretreatment Process of Silk | Pretreatment of Synthetic Textile Materials

Natural fibers and synthetic fibers contain primary impurities that are contained naturally, and secondary impurities that are added during spinning , knitting and weaving processes.Textile pretreatment is the series of cleaning operations.All impurities which causes adverse effect during dyeing and printing is removed in pretreatment process.

Object of Pretreatment

* To Convert fabric from hydrophobic to hydrophilic state.
* To remove dust, dirt etc from the fabric.
* To achieve the degree of desire whiteness.

Pretreatment Process of cotton and natural fibers
Major steps involved in textile pretreatment are,
2 Desizing,
3. Scouring,
4. Mercerization
5. Bleaching.

Pretreatment Process of wool :

1.Raw wool scouring; aqueous and/ or solvent washing
3.Scouring (desizing)
4.Fulling /crabbing/thermo fixing
5.Easy-care treatments
6.Anti-felting anti-shrinking treatments
7.Wool Bleaching

Pretreatment Process of Silk

To prepare a silk yarn for dyeing and silk fabrics for dyeing and printing, it is necessary to partially or completely remove sericin, as well as natural oils and organic impurities. Depending on the percentage of sericin removed during scouring (sericin is present in raw silk in a ratio between 20 % to 25 %), the end-product is defined as unscoured (used only for shirts and suits), `souple' or degummed.


Pretreatment Of Synthetic Textile Materials

Although mots of the synthetics do not need to be given a very strong pretreatment however the possible steps in pretreatment of synthetics are

2.Heat setting
4.Bleaching if necessary.

5 Textile Technology: Pretreatment | Object of Pretreatment | Pretreatment Process of Cotton and Natural Fibers | Pretreatment Process of wool | Pretreatment Process of Silk | Pretreatment of Synthetic Textile Materials Natural fibers and synthetic fibers contain primary impurities that are contained naturally, and secondary impurities that are added during...

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