Sunday, May 20, 2012

Classification of Disperse Dyes | Chemical Groups in Disperse Dyes | Commercial Names of Disperse Dyes

1. Nitro Dyes
2. Amino Ketone dyes
3. Anthraquinonoid dyes
4. Mono azo dyes
5. Di- azo dyes

 According to Fastness Property:

According to fastness property there are following 4 types of disperse dyes:

1. Group A: These dyes have excellent dyeing properties and good fastness properties.
2. Group B: These dyes are excellent in high temperature and for carrier dyeing with moderate fastness.
3. Group C: These dyes are moderate for carrier and high temperature dyeing with higher fastness property than group B dyes.
4. Group D: These dyes are of excellent fastness to heat but for dyeing properties on carrier method.

 According to Energy Requirement:

According to energy required for dyeing there are following 3 types of disperse dyes:

1. Low energy dyes: These dyes are used to dye with carrier. For dyeing 77°C temperature is required. They have extremely poor resistance to sublimation. 

2. Medium energy dyes: These dyes are used to dye mostly in between temperature 104°C-110°C which provides better sublimation fastness than that of low energy dyes. 

3. High energy dyes: These dyes are used to dye at temperature above 129°C and are suitable for continuous dyeing. They provide all round fastness properties.   


Chemical Groups In Disperse Dyes

The percentage of chemical groups present in disperse dyes are as below:

Mono azo dyes 50%
Anthraquinonoid dyes 25%
Diazo dyes 10%
Methyne dyes 03%
Styryl dyes 03%
Acrylene benzimidazol 03%
Quinonaphthalon dyes 03%
Amino naphthyl amide 01%
Napthoquinone imine 01%
Nitro disperse dyes 01%

Total 100%

Trade Names Of Disperse Dyes

Name of dye
















British Celanese Ltd.





5 Textile Technology: Classification of Disperse Dyes | Chemical Groups in Disperse Dyes | Commercial Names of Disperse Dyes 1. Nitro Dyes 2. Amino Ketone dyes 3. Anthraquinonoid dyes 4. Mono azo dyes 5. Di- azo dyes    According to Fastness Property: Accordi...

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