Sunday, May 20, 2012

After Treatment Process of Printing | Fixation Methods After Printing with Disperse Dyes | Reduction Cleaning


1. Thermo fixation 
2. Super Heated Steaming 
3. High Pressure Steaming 

Now they are mentioned below:- 



The features of this method of dye fixation are mentioned below:- 

1. No steam is used. 
2. Dye is fixed by subjecting the print to hot air at 2100C for 1 minute. 
3. The fixation is carried out in a backing oven or in a stenter where heat setting can also be done simultaneously. 
4. The process productivity is high. 
5. The dye which have good sublimation fastness are subjected to this thermofixation process. 
6. There is 10-15% loss of colour in thermofixation, so the shade becomes dull. 
7. It is a continuous process of dye fixation which gives high production. 

 Super Heated Steaming : 

The features of this method of dye fixation are mentioned below:- 

1. It is a continuous process of dye fixation. 
2. This method is the best of the three methods. 
3. Dye is fixed at 1000-1800C for 2-1 minutes by radiators. 
4. Higher productivity. 
5. No loss of colour. 
6. Dyes with medium sublimation fastness can be applied. 
7. The fabric handle is very soft. 

 High Pressure Steaming: 

The features of this method of dye fixation are mentioned below:- 

1. Discontinuous process of dye fixation 
2. Low productivity. 
3. Dye fixation is done by high pressure steam. 
4. Low production so costly process. 
5. Dyes with low sublimation fastness can be applied. 
6. It gives good Colour yield and bright print & smoothness. 

Reduction Cleaning: 
After the fabric is applied dye fixation method it is subjected to reduction cleaning process. 
Reduction cleaning process is carried out for obtaining deep shade (>5%-15%) 
For reduction cleaning a bath is prepared containing:-

  1. Caustic Soda :            2 gm/litre

  2. Hydrosulphite :              2 gm/litre

  3. Na-ionic Datergent :      2 gm/litre

  4. M : L Ratio :               1:5

  5. Time :                       30 Minutes

In the bath caustic soda and Hyd- rosulphite are taken for the stripping of dye and non-ionic detergents is taken for washing off. After passing the printed fabric through this bath then the fabric is washed off, by hot air & then with cold water.
5 Textile Technology: After Treatment Process of Printing | Fixation Methods After Printing with Disperse Dyes | Reduction Cleaning   1. Thermo fixation  2. Super Heated Steaming  3. High Pressure Steaming  Now they are mentioned below:-    Thermofixation:  The features o...

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